All the open and forthcoming EU funding opportunities and key information in one sheet

Who are you

Why should you seek EU funds?

You are an established business or a SME

Collaborate with Endeavor cooperatives to access resources and expertise for your Research and Innovation (R&I) projects. No more taking resources away from your core business

You are a Research Center

Discover resources for your research, work in a multicultural environment, and provide market opportunities for your projects.

You are part of an Organization in a Third Country

Explore collaboration opportunities with European organizations on globally relevant topics.

You are a Startup

Seek dedicated funding for your development and leverage your innovative ideas for projects aligned with European priorities. Contribute to shaping the future market. Embrace bold vision

You are a Business Incubator

Foster European competitiveness by creating specialized, funded programs for businesses within your network.

You are an NGO

Contribute to European goals through dedicated funding and find stability for your advocacy and awareness activities.

What Are You Looking For? Get Started Now

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Any Questions? Look Here

How long does it take to create a consortium and prepare a project for application?

It depends on the call, in any case calls open cyclically and through the list it is easy to understand the cyclicality of the openings and therefore to prepare in time even if the window for submission is short.

Which countries are eligible for EU funding?

All European Union (EU) Member States can access EU research funding. In addition, a number of mechanisms exist to enable scientific institutions and researchers in non-EU countries to participate in, and receive funding from, EU Framework Programmes.

Can private companies and start-ups apply for the EU calls?

Many private companies benefit from European funds every year, e.g. for research and development and projects with environmental, technological and social impact purposes. The EU considers business to be a major player in the realisation of priorities for the benefit of communities.

What kind of advice can be obtained?

Matching with potentially interesting calls, be-spoke advice on project writing, eligibility rules and call constraints, support for consortium creation and application on the main portals where partners can be found, latest news on selected calls, financial advice.

Who can apply for EU Funds?

All EU citizens can apply for EU funding, normally natural persons have to be part of an organization.

What are the main funding programmes not included in the list?

Cohesion Fund, all the indirect founds, financial instruments (loans, guarantees and equity), subsidies, trust funds, prizes and EU tenders for procurements (public contracts) are not included in the list.

EU funding

Meet the expert

Daniela has 20 years of experience in building win-win relationships that help public and private organisations achieve their goals and impact on the lives of communities and people.

She is an expert in value design, strategic positioning planning, project management and DECO strategies, with a focus on EU-funded private and public projects.

As an active member of the innovation community, she is involved in coaching and training programmes in many university and private accelerators and incubators and masters, which makes her very up-to-date on the international innovation landscape.

This, together with her background as a consultant to territorial public bodies and associations gives her a comprehensive view of the dynamics of representation and systemisation of interests in national and transnational public-private partnerships and consortia.

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